Frequently Asked Questions


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What does Qualitas Digital Do?

We provide Quality Automation solutions that scale with your business. Whether you’re creating something from scratch, reworking an existing automation program, or adding to what you have, we work with you to create a customized plan and implement it throughout your business.

What industries do you specialize in?

We specialize within the niche of Software Quality Automation. We have some overlap with traditional Software Automation due to the similarities between disciplines. We can also automate your workflows and free up time that your employees can use elsewhere.

Why should we hire a consultant instead of doing it all ourselves?

The two main reasons are time and experience. It takes time to recruit and train a new employee and verifying they have the experience you need for your business is a constant challenge. It takes months to recoup the initial recruitment costs. We deliver value from day one.

What makes your business special?

The value of our services. We have the know-how and experience to assess your business, ask the right questions, and build a custom tailored solution that works for you.

What does the consulting process look like?

We start with a free consultation by phone where we talk about the problems facing your company. We ask clarifying questions to frame the problem and determine whether or not we’re the right choice for you. Depending on your needs we have one or more follow up meetings where we go into detail about our services, and sign a consulting contract.

How long is a typical contract?

The contract length is entirely dependent on your needs. Whether you need a consultant for a couple weeks to add tests for a critical feature, or you need a corporate trainer for a year, we’re ready.

Can you work any faster?

We pride ourselves on the speed with which we design and implement solutions. In order to maintain the longevity of the solutions we provide, we work at a pace that avoids sacrificing quality or accuracy.

Are you worth the money?

We believe we are. Our solutions reduce future costs as a result of increasing headcounts, increase the value of your employees through training, we even provide direction and structure which increase productivity.

What is your refund policy?

Once services have been rendered they are non-refundable. Regular check ins throughout the project ensure that our work meets your standards so that there are no surprises when the invoice arrives.

Will you sign a non-disclosure agreement?

Our consulting agreement includes a defacto Non-Disclosure Agreement. We value your intellectual property and privacy and protect it the same as our own.

Can you send us samples of your work?

We are able to send samples that show an understanding of technologies we use, or training courses we conduct. In order to protect the Intellectual Property of our clients, we don’t share code or documentation from their projects.

Where are you located, and how do you work with clients outside of your local area?

We’re located just outside of Downtown Wilmington in North Carolina. We use phone and video calls for meetings as needed. We drive or fly to clients outside of Wilmington regularly to complete work. We offer a 25% discount on our rates for fully telecommuted work in addition to the money saved on travel expenses.

what are your qualifications?

Our consultants are experts with industry experience at companies both big and small. We’ve worked with a variety of technology stacks and continued education is a requirement. It’s not enough for us to be proficient at one set of technologies, we are continuously evolving what we know so that we remain able to offer the best solutions possible.

do you have references?

We have references available, once we’ve reached the final phase of contract negotiation.

What is the origin of Qualitas Digital’s name?

Qualitas is latin for Quality. We put quality in our name as it’s at the core of what we do. We strive to provide efficient and high quality services that stand the test of time.