Our Commitment


Investing in Software Quality Automation to increase the quality of your releases and reduce future headcount is a noble goal on its own, but to realize your vision you need a plan. The key is partnering with a team that’s committed to helping you succeed, that provides the support, knowledge and resources to maintain and update your automation program now and in the future. We work with you to fulfill your needs whether it involves creating something new or adding to what you have.

We have five pillars, which act as our commitment to you:

Excellence – We aren’t satisfied with solutions that are “good enough”. You want the best and we expect the best. While we’re not perfectionists, we deliver well researched solutions that are easy to maintain and customized for your business.

Efficiency – It is common at many companies for employees to work at a pace that gives them at most a 50% utilization where 1 out of any 2 given hours are spent accomplishing business objectives. We raise the bar with greater than 90% utilization through the use of metrics throughout the contract. This increase in efficiency saves your company time and money compared with the competition.

Accountability – We are accountable for the quality of our solutions and any issues which appear during the contract. We address complaints as soon they appear, and have a zero tolerance policy internally for violations of our pillars.

Modularity – Our solutions are designed with re-usability and extensibility in mind. We make it easy to add, update, or delete tests on an ongoing basis by making changes to shared classes instead of updating many tests at once.

Trust – We know how important it is to keep your Intellectual Property safe. That’s why all consulting agreements include a Non-Disclosure Agreement and all sensitive documents will either be returned to you at the end of the contract or destroyed. All solutions that we develop for you are considered your Intellectual Property and hosted on your hardware.

These principles form the framework in which we will execute on our commitment to be the best we can be for our clients.